Execute action if bttn is not pressed

In the not-pressed mode the bttn actions are executed if the bttn has not been pressed within a time window.

A time window is made up of 1 to 10 time window items and each item can have the following type:

* Daily:

The daily time window specifies the start and end time in hours and minutes. The time window is checked periodically every day at the window end time, and if the bttn has not been pressed after the start time and before the end time, then the bttn action is executed.

* Weekly:

The weekly time window specifies the start and end time as a combination of weekday, hours and minutes.

* Monthly:

The monthly time window specifies the start and end time as a combination of day of month, hours and minutes. The day of month can optionally be specified as the last day of every month.

* Time range:

The time range window specifies the start and end time as date and time. In contrast to the three other window types, the time range window specifies a one-time time window that does not repeat periodically.

The periodical time window types (daily, weekly and monthly) are allowed to specify a start time that appears to be later than the end time. In such case the end time is considered to happen during the next period.

For example a daily window 23:00 - 07:00 would be checked every day at 07:00 and the action is executed if the bttn has not pressed after 23:00 previous evening.

The time window items may overlap. The time window is checked at the end of each time window item. An exception to this are overlapping time window items which end at the exact same time. In such case only the largest of the overlapping windows is checked and therefore the bttn action is executed at most one time.

For example a time window consisting of daily window 07:00-23:00 and weekly window Mon 07:00 - Fri 23:00 would be checked every day at 23:00. On Friday 23:00 both time window items end at the same time and then only the weekly time window item is checked: on Fridays at 23:00 the bttn action is executed only if bttn has not pressed after Monday 07:00 of the same week.

When the bttn action is executed in the not-pressed mode, the following tags can be used in the action configuration:


Expands to date, time and timezone offset of current time window start, for example 2015-10-01T10:00:00+0300


Expands to date, time and timezone offset of current time window end, for example 2015-10-01T11:00:00+0300

Expands to unix timestamp of current time window start, for example 1443682800


Expands to unix timestamp of current time window end, for example 1443686400

For example you could configure the bttn to send the following email body if the bttn is not pressed:


The bttn has not been pressed between <WINDOWSTART> and <WINDOWEND>!