Downloadable PDF manuals, including technical specification:

- You can find downloadable PDF manuals at this support site under Solutions / User manual

- Please check that you download the correct user manual, as there are different ones for 1-radio models and 2-radio models and for different firmware versions.

Online setup instructions:

Complete online setup instructions can also be found at Further instructions and troubleshooting guides are provided on this site under Solutions / FAQ.

- We are adding more solutions and improving the instructions all the time - please let us know what topics need more attention.

We recommend you start by first registering your bttn at

When you have successfully registered your bttn:

- You should now be able to see your bttn under your account. 

- Click the red 'How to operate your bttn' link at the top of the page. This will show you step-by-step setup instructions on adding power and internet access for your bttn.