server's automatic monitoring and alerting capabilities help you keep track of your bttn fleet's status 24/7. See also the Heartbeat / keepalive function.

What it is server executes your bttn press actions. But a lesser known fact is that it has also another important function - keeping track of your bttn fleet’s status.

Upon each communication with a bttn, the server updates monitoring data such as battery level, signal level, and the timestamp of last activity (‘last heard’). server also maintains the press count for short presses, long presses and not pressed events. server also has an alert system in place - it will alert you via email if some of your bttns need attention. device list will also show a warning notification and a warning sign next to bttn devices requiring attention. The alerts are low battery, low signal and no heartbeat. 

The email alerts will be sent to your account's email address, and also to an email address specified under a bttn's properties.


  • One central place for device statuses - device monitoring lets you see how your bttns are doing.
  • Pinpoint any issues and fix if necessary - if batteries need replacing or recharging, you will see it at
  • Makes tech support easy - your personnel can directly see if a bttn is connected and launching actions as expected.

How to use it:

  • Device monitoring is an automatic process. You can see the latest status information when you sign in at The bttn device list shows battery levels, signal levels and ‘last heard’ time stamp.
  • Under the statistics view / bttns tab you can view the information in more detail
  • The status REST API endpoint allows pulling the bttn monitoring data as JSON to your own system.
  • To select which email alerts you would like to receive, click your user name at the top bar in and then click account settings.
  • To receive reports about a certain bttn to a certain email address, add the email address under that bttn's properties in